Get Complete Clarity on Your Ideal Marketing Strategy in Just 90 Minutes

A digital roadmap with comprehensive marketing analysis and strategy over two sessions.

Find New Opportunities for Business Growth

Marketing is the backbone of business expansion. For many teams and companies, however, revitalising their marketing strategies is an overwhelming task, especially if you’re seeking to grow further into the world of digital marketing. The state of online marketing is ever-changing, and it’s hard to jump straight in if you don’t already have the expertise and knowledge under your belt. You want to get to the position of building online authority and utilising digital techniques to boost your business success, but maybe you’re just unsure how to get your foot in the door.

Introducing the Digital Roadmap Session

Expanding your business’s digital marketing strategies doesn’t need to be something you enter blind. The Digital Roadmap Session is an offer that provides a comprehensive consultation to analyse the strengths and weaknesses of your current approach, and give you a clear roadmap for the results you desire.

Over the course of just two sessions, you will receive fresh ideas, routes for growing your audience, a deeper understanding of successful marketing, and a uniquely tailored plan for your immediate marketing future. You will walk out of these sessions with a comprehensive understanding of how to achieve your set goals, and an in-depth analysis of your business that can help guide you in the long term.

Inclusions of Your Personalised Roadmap

At the end of your sessions with us, you will walk away with a ready document for your future marketing. This will include practical steps you can take to build towards your business’s growth – steps that we can help you implement, or you can begin yourself. The four specifics we can promise in this roadmap are:

Marketing Recommendations

We will provide you with our top recommendations for lead generations, as guided by our own culminated years of marketing experience. We will recommend the best courses of action to better market your products and services.

Measurable Action Steps

We don’t believe in vague advice. Our roadmap will deliver a plan with practical, quantitative steps you can be taking. We’re here to provide a clearer path towards success, and you will leave our sessions together with a structured way to move forward with your marketing, with or without us.

Time Frames

Our Digital Roadmap will offer a recommended time frame, with milestones and goals, created to suit the specifics of your business. Taking into consideration your current position and where you’re striving to be, we will lay out practical and realistic time frames you should be planning to reach.

Resources and Services Needed

At Somer Design, we consider it our duty to equip the clients we work with for the future. We don’t send you out without all the tools you need, and that’s why our plan includes all the essential and non-essential resources and services you may need in order to successfully implement our marketing recommendations.

Delivered in Two Convenient Workshops

Session 1

Over the course of a 1-1.5 hour consultation, we will sit down with your team to comprehensively analyse the best route forward. We’ll focus firstly on all the moving parts and variables of this project, running through available resources, ideal goals, timelines, and all other essential specifics.

From there, we will define the results criteria so we can best understand what success looks like. We’ll discuss opportunities and fresh ideas for growth as we brainstorm lead generation, the best route for selling products, and strategies for audience expansion. We will set goals and KPIs, and will run through your product staircase from entry-level to premium.

With this full analysis and review complete, the Somer Design team will be able to step away and create a unique roadmap built specifically for your business.

Session 2

Just one week later, Somer Design will book a call to present all our recommendations. Together, we’ll create a plan to ensure we can achieve the success criteria within the given time frame.

All of our recommendations will be provided in a comprehensive document, which ensures that anything we suggest is laid out practically. You will walk away from this session equipped to take on your future marketing endeavours, with a step-by-step guide and practical timeframes to reach your goals.

What We’ll Cover

Your Business

At the core of our discussion is your business. Who you are and what you value, as well as where you’re looking to go. Our job is to create a plan that is entirely tailored to the strengths, needs, and desires of your team, which all begins with sitting down to understand everything about your business.

Your Industry

Successfully growing your business relies on a greater understanding of the broader industry in which you function. We’ll analyse the state of your industry and its predicted future, ensuring that all of our recommendations are going to suit its individual specifics.

Your Target Audience

When it comes to marketing, audience is everything. Somer Design strategies seek to hone in on your specific target audience, ensuring that everything we plan is catered to them and their unique desires. We will work together to ensure your reaching the widest and strongest target audience possible, and will build strategies to better relate to them.

Your Competitors

When you’re planning for business growth, you need to remember that you don’t exist in a vacuum. We will work to cover your competitors, seeking to thoroughly review where you rank against them and where you can improve to best compete with their numbers. We aim to see you climbing the rankings, and understanding your competitors and the state of their business is vital to achieving that.

Book Your Digital Roadmap Session Today

If you’re looking to revitalise your business, don’t wait another day. We offer more than vague, one-size-fits-all advice for how to improve your digital marketing. What Somer Design is providing is a comprehensive review and analysis unique to your business, and you will be stepping away with a practical plan tailored to you, all building towards the greater growth and success of your team. If it’s a tangible roadmap for the future you want, that’s what we can provide. Book your Digital Roadmap session today, and let’s start paving the way to the results you’ve been dreaming of.

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In just under 5 minutes, uncover your pathway to marketing success. Gain insights into your top opportunities for growth and pinpoint key areas for improvement. Don't miss out on enhancing your marketing strategy—get your personalised snapshot of performance today!
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