Often when people think business to business marketing, brick and mortar campaigns come to mind. However, with the world of marketing technology continuing to evolve, it’s important that businesses find new ways to reach their desired audience.

Discover our 6 strategic tips for developing your B2B marketing campaign and contact us at Somer Design for more customised advice.
1. Target Your Sweet Spot with Niche-Specific Marketing
What do you do best? Don’t waste money on mass marketing to the whole world when your audience is more than likely specific. Know your expertise and who exactly your product or service is designed for. This will make all of your marketing efforts simpler, as it will define what you do and distinguish you from competition.
Developing a specific persona for your brand can be beneficial in defining it’s characteristics and expression. It’s also a useful tool for narrowing down demographics and values of prospective customers, so you can target businesses better. Focus on who exactly you are targeting and create niche marketing strategy to communicate with them.
2. Form New Connections with Networking
Social networks have become anything but merely social driven. The pandemic has seen a dramatic shift in B2B efforts to online platforms, removing the once popular business lunches or mingling over drinks. However, this has paved way for new business to business opportunity in the online world, offering greater potential to discover new growth partners and customers alike.
Social media has become common practice for enhancing business reputation, expertise and industry trends. Hence, the need to incorporate your marketing strategy online and enhance shareability.
3. Become An Authority Through Virtual Events
Conferences and business to business events now have the opportunity to network online via video platforms. This is an essential strategy for networking in the industry and building a community around your brand. Promote events through social media channels to encourage attendance and word-of-mouth. Above all, your networking events should be creative and engaging whilst representing your services.
4. Be Different – Your Business Doesn’t Need to Blend In
There’s no point trying to cut and paste another business’s marketing campaign and apply it yours. You’re only going to stand out if you focus on your unique benefits and how they appeal to your business customers. Creative doesn’t have to mean unprofessional, so don’t be afraid to get imaginative with your digital marketing campaigns.
For instance, animated business videos can be an informative and engaging use of content to enhance your online presence and reach new audiences. Develop catchy hashtags or weekly content columns that would not only interest your audience but can be tied back to your brand offerings.
5. Optimise Your Success with Optimisation!
Optimisation is essentially making the most of your web design because it needs to do more than simply exist. It should not only be an informative reflection of your business to other businesses, but also cater to your client’s needs and encourage conversion. It’s a key investment that will ripe significant reward when done the right way.
This should involve discovery strategies such as search engine optimisation and backlinks. Optimise traffic by forwarding users from your other channels to here, whether it be via links, blogposts or other means. Of course, usability is also key so ensure all webpages, images and videos display as they should.
Not sure where to start optimising your B2B digital platforms? We’re always happy to help at Somer Design.
6. Streamline the Process with Automation
Don’t have the time for digital marketing? No worries – large parts of the digital marketing process can now be automated with the help of a digital marketing specialist. Not only is it convenient, marketing automation can help you maintain relationships with your business partnerships and clients without the extensive time needed.
It will also streamline your marketing channels and measure your campaign progress for optimal effectiveness. This enables your business to automate messages throughout your buyers journey – encouraging conversion.