71% of business coaches struggle with getting more clients

Benchmark Report – Key Take Aways

Digital Marketing can hold great potential for business coaches wanting to increase exposure, sales or leads. But with so many different channels, platforms, techniques, media formats and service providers in the industry, it can be overwhelming.

Here are some of our key takeaways:

  • Most business coaches are attempting some form of digital marketing which is fantastic but there is a lack of any documented strategy or planning
  • 87% of business coaches use LinkedIn to promote themselves but only 3% said they use paid advertising.

Download the full report for Business Coaches and see what we uncovered

  • The very low use of analytics by business coaches shows that training would be an asset. Understanding and utilising data insights would help them focus and improve their marketing efforts as well as give them the edge over the competition
  • The low take-up of investment in pay-per-click media suggests business coaches don’t have the time to do it properly or don’t think it will bring in a return. They would benefit from working with an expert to guide them on getting ROI
  • 71% of the interviewed business coaches struggle with increasing the number of their clients
  • Social media and content marketing were voted top tactics to stand out among the competition, despite most coaches not having a strategy in place
  • Business coaches are doing a lot of marketing elements themselves without any formal training, and there is a consensus that they aren’t sure if it is working or even worth it, re-enforcing the need to put a robust measurement system in place

Somer Design have experienced first-hand the impact that good coaching can have on a business. Helping us break through barriers and focus on the actions necessary to achieve our goals. That’s why we decided to carry out this study into the pain-points business coaches face when building brand authority and marketing their business, to help them find opportunities to differentiate and grow.

A Special Thank You to

We’d like to thank all those who took part in the survey, whose willingness to give their time, knowledge and participation has made this an interesting research project.

Janet Efere
Janine Shapiro
Jaymini Mistry
Jeff Gosling 
Jeffrey Flack
Jules Hellens
Julie Greaves
Kate Iroegbu
Kristen Miller
Lesley Jones
Lisa Zevi
Lynn Blades
Marie Paula Assamoua
Melinda Coss
Patsy Waithe
Paul Hafalla
Paul McCartney

Caroline Somer - Somer Design Founder & CEO

About Caroline Somer

Caroline Somer is a London based brand consultant, designer and digital marketer that helps businesses get more visibility and better results from their websites.

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